Pesach Sheni
פסח שני
The Second Passover
Hebrew Calendar Date: The 14th of Iyar
Torah References:
When it began:
Pesach Sheni began in the desert, during the first Passover holiday, and served as a "second chance" for those who were unable to offer the Passover sacrifice at the appropriate time due to ritual impurity. Today, we mark and commemorate the date by eating matzah (in the same way that we eat the afikoman - the matzah at the Passover seder in remembrance of the Passover offering.
How it’s observed today:
Today, Pesach Sheni on the 14th of Iyar has the status of a very minor holiday.
There is a custom to eat a piece of kosher for Pesach matzah on the night of Pesach Sheni.