The Haftorah for Parshat Nasso
The Birth of Shimshon (Samson)
The Haftorah is read from the book of Shoftim, (Judges), 13:2-25. It is the second book of the Neve’em, Prophets.
The Blinding of Samson- By Rembrandt
The connection of the Haftorah to the Parsha: Shimshon was a Nazarite and this week’s Parsha contains the laws of the Nazir.
The storyline of this week’s Haftorah: The background is that the Children of Israel regressed; doing what was evil in the eyes of Hashem, so Hashem punished them by delivering them into the hands of the Philistines. We begin the story of this week’s Haftorah: A barren woman named Zelponith, returns from the fields and explains to her husband, Manoach that a man of G-d appeared to her. She tells Manoach that the angel said that she would soon have a baby boy who would eventually rescue the Jewish people. In preparation for this savior, miracle son, she would have to exclude wine and impure foods from her diet. Manoach prays to Hashem, requesting that this “man” returns, so that he can also learn about the future of his son. Hashem answers his prayers: the angel reappears while Zelponith is sitting in the field. The angel appears to her because she is spiritually more elevated than her husband. She once again runs into the house and gets her husband, in order for Manoach to hear for himself what the angel told his wife. The angel says, “Just do what I told your wife”. They ask the angel’s name and he replies, “It is hidden to you.” They offer him something to eat but he declines. Then the angel rises up to the heavens in a flash of fire. Manoach fears for his life as he realizes that it was truly an angel of G-d that appeared to him and ordinarily, it is an experience that no human lives through. Zelponith reassures Manoach that Hashem did not bring them this far just to kill them. The angel’s blessing comes true and Zelponith gives birth to Shimshon.
Shimshon (Samson) destroying the pillars of the Philistine Temple
Spiritual Point of Interest: We all know that in today’s day and age, modern medicine has discovered that the way the mother behaves during pregnancy affects the future child’s physical and emotional well being. It is recommended that they do not smoke or drink, and they should speak to the fetus lovingly. In the infinite wisdom of Hashem, we see that thousands of years ago, He already alerted mothers-to-be of their emotional, physical and spiritual impact on their unborn children. It was clear that a mother’s responsibility began while the baby was in utero and not just after birth. She needed to spiritually uplift the child before it would be tested with the physicality. In the same sense, while we take care of friends and family physically, we should make sure to nurture them spiritually.
Samson & Delilah
Matthias Stom a Dutch painter (b. ca. 1600, Amersfoort, d. after 1650, Sicily)
Shimshon’s Biography:
- The meaning of his name is “man of the sun”, for he was the savior of the Jews from the Philistines*.
- Lived in the city of Zorah, which was a part of the tribe of Dan. His mother’s name was Zelponith; his father’s name was Manoach.
- He was the 13th of 14 Judges and ruled for 20 years.
- Was a Nazir who dedicated his life to Hashem by promising to abstain from intoxicants, cutting one’s nails and cutting one’s hair. He was famed for his strength.
Famous Phrases: Shoftim 17:28, “Zachreni na, v’chazkeni na, ach hapa’am hazeh ha’Elokim” “Remember me, and strengthen me just this once, God”
Haftorahman’s Lesson of the Week: We see that not only did Hashem send an angel twice to Zelponith because she was the one who was more spiritually developed that her husband, but upon meeting the angel the husband was told to listen to his wife. What can we learn from this couple?
- For the women: you can inspire the men in your life to become closer to Hashem. Remember to be warm and loving and not critical and judgmental.
- For the men: Allow the women in your life to encourage you to grow as a Jew, whether it be in learning Torah, praying, keeping Kosher, being honest with business dealings, mixing with the right group of friends or the elimination of talking Lashon Hara (Slander). Let’s be positive about the future and allow the women in our lives to impact us like Zelponith did Manoah.
Inscription: "Samson" Day of issue: August 21, 1961
Timeline: in the 12th century b.c.e. about 2850 years ago in the Hebrew year 2910.
Map: The location of Shimshon’s birth was the city of Zorah, within the tribal territory of Dan.
Written by: Reuben Gavriel Ben Nissim Ebrahimoff 5769-2009